Depository Services

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Depository Overview

In India, a depository is an institute which holds the beneficial owner’s securities such as shares, debentures, mutual fund, ETF’s, etc. in electronic form, through a registered Depository Participant (DP). Depository enables the investor to hold securities in electronic form and to trade in these securities.

Why Join Us

    • Top Depository with minimum paperwork and minimal costs
    • Reliable, effective and low-cost services to our clients
    • Assurance of full transparency in the dealings and trustworthiness 
    • Highly competent, effective and professional team
    • Growing customer-base across the nation
    • Clear in communication with clients
    • No hidden costs involved in any of the services

Services offered by Navkar

  • At Navkar, we can help you avail a host of depository services in India, such as
    • Pledge-hypothecation which allows you to avail loans against your electronic form investments
    • The share conversion services include the dematerialization of shares and

    Re-materialization of shares.

    • The dematerialization of shares involves the conversion of physical holdings into electronic form.
    • Inter and Intra depository transfer of securities from one Demat account to another
    • Locking your account ensures that your account is frozen or locked for a time decided by you so that no debits would be done from your account during this span.